Whether you are calling an office, favorite radio station, utility provider center, or any agency that has a super busy line, having a call again and again on those numbers is annoying. If you don’t want to tap on the same number again and again, then your smartphone features can help you to do this and save your time.

Some methods can utilize your smart device to help you while continuously dialing a busy phone, depending on which device you are using Android or iPhone. Both devices have in-built features to auto redialing on a certain number, but you can also use some other method to make auto calling on a busy phone line. In this article, we will discuss the jailbreak tweak or root mode; this is the best way to redial a busy number on Android or iPhone automatically.
Important of Redial
On this ongoing pandemic, people work from home, and phone calls do most of the work. The unemployment office gets busy these days, so it isn’t easy to talk with someone without help. Auto-redialing can maximize your dial call and maximize your chance to speak with the other person that you want to talk to.
If you are using a landline phone, then you can also continue redial in a simple way. Here you need to enter *66 after a busy call; this can happen auto redialing whenever a call fails. You can also dial *86 to stop the continuous dial.
Tap Call Button
The simple and straightforward method for Android or iPhone devices is to hit the phone call button. Hit on the call button that brings the last dial call. If your dial call fails at unemployment offices, you need to tap on the call button to open the dialed number again to make another call on the same number.
Using Third-Party Application for Android only.
Double-clicking on the call button after every failed call is not difficult, but if you are doing for hours, then it is annoying. There are several applications that you can use to automate this process; you can find those applications on your Android device from Google Play Store.
Visit Google Play Store and search for the “Auto Redial” application; here, you will get a list of applications to choose from. Several applications do similar work as when a call disconnects, the application smoothly places another call automatically, and you don’t need to tap on the call button continuously.
Use Speed Dial Shortcut for iOS only.
As we know, iOS devices are a more secure device that we are using, especially for security purposes and their outstanding features. If you are an iPhone user, then you have bad luck as a third-party application to use for the auto redialing call. The iPhone does not allow any additional solution for its user. So there is only one method to save your time to redialing on a certain number, you can use speed dial shortcut.
First, you need to know about the Speed dial shortcut. It allows you to make an immediate call with one tap. Instead, you have to tap on the call button again and again via your contact list to locate the number. So you can use speed dial features to make a call immediately when your call line fails.
Here are the steps to follow:
1. Tap “Add Shortcut” and then type your phone number in the field.
2. Hit “Done” after that iPhone will save Shortcut into “My Shortcut.”
3. Now click on “Speed Dial.”
4. The first time you asked for the iPhone to allow permission to make a call.
5. On your behalf, Shortcut will automatically place your call.
6. When the call discontented iPhone automatically brings you on the same Shortcut, so you can quickly hit Speed dial again to make the call.